Dive into the world of alternative voices with COMMUNE’s Zines. Read a collection of essays and blogs on how to integrate SBC in our communication interventions.






The Role of SBC in Art-Making

This essay delves into the intertwining of performance art, audience engagement, and human rights advocacy, drawing insights from artists like Francis Alÿs and the Social and Behavior Change framework.

"Why Are You So Defensive?”

Breaking Barrier of Defensiveness in Social and Behavior Change Communications

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation where your words are hitting a brick wall? Or maybe you’ve tried to “educate” someone on an important issue, only to find yourself in a heated argument instead of a productive dialogue?


Truth Tellers in Different Forms

This essay reflects the role of truth-telling in different ways as a form of activism, and to its role in empowering individuals in the society.

Kasama All: Reconsidering the Role of an Artist in the Fight for Accessibility

This essay reflects on the role of an artist-activist in the fight for accessibility.

Challenging Narratives Through Film

This blog explores the power of films in challenging harmful dominant narratives, highlighting the role of filmmakers in introducing new voices, perspectives, and information to help people see human rights issues in a new light.


Commune: GEDSi Learning Session

This handy reference provides key insights and terminology, offering a clearer understanding of queer and disability issues. Ideal for educators, advocates, and anyone committed to promoting inclusivity and equity.

Commune: GEDSI-Inclusive Language 101

Explore ways to use more GEDSI-inclusive language when talking to queer people and persons with disabilities.

Commune Communications Strategy

A worksheet to help HRCW’s organize their ideas in creating an advocacy communications campaign.

Commune Communications Strategy
Cheat Sheet

Helpful insights and formula to guide you in crafting an effective Communications Strategy.

Engagement Pyramid

Download the “Engagement Pyramid” printable poster to help you easily visualize engagement levels and tailor approaches in your campaigns.

Narrating Change

This primer covers quickly the whats, whys, and hows of shifting narratives in advocating for change for human rights and democracy issues.

Human Rights in Survival Mode

A comprehensive summary of the study on How Human Rights Workers Survive under the Duterte Regime in the Philippines.

8 factors to consider in mobilizing support for human rights

This quick start guide covers some factors to consider in designing intervention for mobilizing support.


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We're working on something.
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COMMUNE is a dynamic program which aims to strengthen the human rights community by providing a safe and collaborative environment anchored on social behavioral change-making.

COMMUNE also seeks to build a resilient force of human rights workers dedicated to advancing the Human Rights Sector as a whole.


Human rights workers got together for the launching of COMMUNE where they had the chance to initially engage in insightful conversations and share experiences and expertise.


A briefer that contains a comprehensive summary of the study on How Human Rights Workers Survive under the Duterte Regime in the Philippines.

This primer covers quickly the what, why, and how to nudge narratives in resisting and advocating for change on human rights and democracy issues.

This I-ACT Quick Start Guide covers some factors to consider as you design your intervention for mobilizing support for human rights, and helping Filipinos in their behavior change journey.

Download the “Engagement Pyramid” printable poster to help you easily visualize engagement levels and tailor approaches in your campaigns.